Guitarist | Musician | Instructor
Musical Theater & Commercial Music
Zachary often performs on guitars, banjo, tenor banjo, mandolin, ukulele, lap steel, and all other sorts of plucked strings for theater and commercial projects. Below are several videos demonstrating his work with Broadway tours, guitar companies, banjo & guitar solos, and a news clip from a very special gig.
Pit Orchestra Excerpt Reel
Escape To Margaritaville
Finding Neverland
Mamma Mia!
Disco Yes - Tom Misch
Covered by musicians from the Zuiderdam cruise ship in 2020.
Electric Guitar Solos in Country, Funk, Pop, Rock, and R&B Styles.
Camptown Races - Bluegrass Banjo Solo
Promo video endorsing Acoustic Guitars by StewMac Guitars.
On stage with Jimmy Buffett in November 2021.
Screen grab video from WKBW News 7 in Buffalo, NY. Look for Zachary around the 0:30 mark.